Monday, June 8, 2009

great script

I'm not very familiar with the original version of this play, but if it was anything like this I'm very impressed. The opening sequence when the cast came out and started singing and dancing felt like a warm up, after they were done I felt like I was ready to watch the film. I felt relaxed and interested (for a change) right away for the duration of the play. The relationship between the master and the servant was apparent from the start. He was this hypercondriac and she was his care taker. Beyond just doing what he asked her to do, but it was obvious by the way she talked to him that she cared for him and his daughter. I loved the way he described his flatulent to the audience, it was toilet humor that you seem to only get from "South Park" It was nice to see it on stage.
His wife had quirky things to say but it wasn't well disguised. If they had played a little more with the words she used to try to trick him out of his money I think it would have sold me a little better on the scheme. He may had been a invalid in his mind but I don't believe he was stupid, so they could have made the scam her and the notary were trying to pull a little more sophisticated.
I'm not sure but, what did he do for a living?
His daughter was fun to listen to, especially when she was talking about all the sex her and her boyfriend was or wasn't having. I'm not sure if the writer was having her say what she was saying without understanding what she was talking about. I got a feeling that they weren't really having sex, but they were doing something else but she was describing what they were doing by using sexual context.
The ending seemed to come together too fast in my opinion. We got to see the idiot she was going to marry along with his hilarious uncle. I felt that we didn't get to see enough of the enema man, and the part where he wanted to be a doctor was a little cheesy for me. But overall it was a great play.
p.s.- I bet you can tell that I lost my notes, I won't have a beverage during work hours again.

Patrick Ford

1 comment:

Jordan said...

I agree with you about the end. I think they went a little fast and could have spelled things out better. But yes overall it was a fantastic play.