Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Great Production

I'm not too familiar with the original, but if it was anything like this, I am very, very impressed. This was really an incredible play, I am so glad we saved this as our final production.
I don’t know about you guys, but this play was full of great comedic lines. I especially liked the Duck song, or when Angelique was telling the maid about her “intercourse” experience, “we did at the gates, and at the back door, you know through the key hole”, ahahahah, of coarse it was not really intercourse., lol.
Toinette, “mommy” was just fantastic, always going for the money, full of sarcasm. “It is so difficult when we enjoy our, delicious moments together, when I am consumed with so many fears; fear that I may lose you at any moment……but what if you didn’t die, umm a, I mean what if you can’t speak…God forbid if that ever happens, I won’t be able to give you what you neeeeed” lol
And even the doctor’s lines were great. I’m looking over my notes and can’t stop laughing, Great play, I really enjoyed this one.

Thank You
James L.


pat said...

great blog james. I'm glad it's our final production.

Ben said...

Ah yes, the intercourse speech. I thought that was pure brilliance! So many good lines in this show. But by the way, Toinette was the maid. Beline was the wifey.

James said...

Yes I know, I just wrote that to see if anyone would catch that. Not alot people did. ahahahahahaha