Thursday, April 23, 2009

"Frost/Nixon" Was it Realism . . . or Not?

Class Consensus Says:

Realistic Theatrical Elements:
  • Lighting—yes, some was realistic—tv studio lights
  • Acting—mostly realistic, but not some of the phone calls
  • Costumes—yes
  • Make-Up—yes
  • Language—yes
  • Story—yes , historical
  • Structure—yes, mostly realistic use of time
  • Characters—yes, real people portrayed realistically

Non-Realistic Theatrical Elements:

  • Acting—narration, phone calls
  • Lights—narration spotlights, back ground mood lights
  • Scenery—platforms, panels, bare stage of sorts
  • Structure—summaries done by narrators, time stretched and compressed


Anonymous said...

I'm agree! I did not like the phone call stuff. That was weird.

Alisha said...

I actually love the phone call stuff and other non-realistic theatrical elements in this play. For me that it was theatre does best--it takes realistic situations and finds a way of heightening the emotion, the inner struggle, of the characters.