Monday, April 13, 2009

Eye contact

The first comment is about eye contact. I had a problem with the actor who played Officer Charles. He seemed to be just saying his part but not truly acting it out. That is to say, he would say his lines but would look away, up into the make belief sky away from the opposing actor. I really don't know if this is how he is suppose to do it, but for me I felt no connection with his acting of the part besides the comments showing hate of those who are forced out on the streets.

1 comment:

Mike Cole (Commander RedBull) said...

Agreed. Several of the actors, really just seem to be saying the lines because that's what they had to say. Real people would react differently under similar situations and would say much more believable statements. This can be summed up to the script in my opinion, but when you don't have anywhere to go to with the lines given, it's easy to see how their minds and eyes can wander.