Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Stage Space at Louies 1st and Main

Walking into the Back Door Theater I was shocked and surprised at the stage layout. I loved that I was assigned to Stage Space, in such a unique theatre and enviorment. Though I did not attend with the rest of the class, I did have a chance to see the play.
I love how they utalized the limted space they had. The use of the cardboard box, and the two doors was very effective for a street feel. Especially the doorsteps, I know are very common is larger cities (such as chicago). I felt that the audience being so close to the stage was also very unique. I was not effected by the change of props throughtout the play, I thought it gave the audience a chance to gather their thoughts about the play. I did not however like the fact that the actors were behind the audience walking at some points. It was very distracting to me, as I was seated in the back row. I loved that the theatre was in the back of a cafe, and the audience could go in there at intermission.
Another point I loved was the fact that stage was set up, in such a way that I felt like I was witnessing something real. It wasnt straight rows, it was kind of a thrust stage element. I loved that it was as if we were sitting on the street witnessing this real life issue play out, like I was peeking in on something I wouldnt normally be able to stop and listen to. I was sitting in the top row in the corner, so not only did I get a full view of the performance, but I also got to peek around and see the reactions of the audience.
One thing I did not like, was when you entered and left the theatre, you were literally walking on the stage. Especially during intermission when Dimitris possesions were thrown about. I didnt want to disrupt the props, but to get out of the theatre you had to walk right over it! I felt that that was a little intrusive, the audience doesnt belong on the stage, nor should it have to walk on the stage to get by.
Overall I really enjoyed the production and felt they used the stage space perfectly. I felt like I was watching a real scene played out on the street, but in more comfortable seating!

By: Alex Ashton


James said...

They really did a great job Utilizing the limited space.

Ben said...

This was one of my favorite things about the show. The set was really well put together; I felt like I was on a city street. The stoops worked well, I agree with you there totally. But audience members on the stage actually goes back to Shakespeare's day. The richer patrons could actually sit on a stool on the stage!

Tracy said...

yes, they did utilize the amount of stage space they had and it was very effective. I agree that it was very nice and convenient being able to go to the cafe during intermission, I came with an appetite:)