Sunday, May 31, 2009

Extra Credit: Steel Magnolias

So while I was enjoying an afternoon at a coffee shop, I saw a little article in a small newspaper about Steel Magnolias, so my dad and I went to see it.

The theatre was quite small. It was just a little black box theatre with old theatre seats. It was quite a good stage space though! It worked for the stage. The stage was raised about 3 feet off the ground, much higher than the theatre seats. But it was great, it worked.

The script was pretty good. Not as awesome as I thought it would be. It was a bit hard to follow since it was mostly just a bunch of gossip and you really had to think about the story and follow their words and stories. It was sometimes a bit too crazy to understand.

The set was well designed. It was colorful and was used great throughout the play. The whole stage was used. I actually really liked the stage. It was a hair salon, with real salon chairs and sinks and the characters' hair was really done on stage. It was really cool!!!

The acting was really believeable. Except for one girl. She was just "acting" instead of taking on the character. It was really, really distracting and annoying. I remember thinking "JUST BE THE DANG PERSON!!" It was so annoying I just wanted to shout at her and tell her to stop being cheezy.

Let's see.... what else??? The director did very well. She piked just the right actresses and blocked great! I really enjoyed her work. She did a great job with the design team, and the actresses.

Overall, I really enjoyed the play. It was quite awesome. Except for that one actress's cheezy acting, the production was put together great.

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