Sunday, May 31, 2009

Extra Credit: Fiddler on the Roof

So pretty much, Debra did an amazing job!!! I was in Alisha's directing class last term with Debra and she had talked about her jr. production of Fiddler on the Roof. So Nici, Mike, and I went to go see it. I was really impressed by the jr. high that put this on. They were so adorable! All of them did so well in it.

The main characters were chosen perfectly, especially Tevye. He was only in eighth grade, but acted on college level. He really took on the character, including the accent. He just let go of himself and danced and sang fantastically. It was absolutely amazing. I was, and still am, so impressed!!! The girls in the play were adorable too. They fit their characters great!! Each girl had different personalities, and through their characters they shone through.

Debra did an amazing job as director. She chose great actors, including the extras. She also choregraphed. The dances were fantastic. It was really entertaining!! I had a lot of fun! Debra made great choices. I'm glad I got to see the play.

The stage space... interesting. It was set in the gym, since the middle school doesn't have a real stage. It was a procenium arch, really. The stage was great. There were so many different pieces. I had a lot of fun watching. The interesting thing were the lights. They had three sets of lights. There were two sets of lights set up on the left and right sides of the gym. They also used two spot lights since the side lights didn't cover the whole stage. The spot lights would go on and off and different times. Sometimes it got annoying then I just had to remember it was a middle school, and it's really not going to be perfect. They really did the best they could with the lights.

I love the story of Fiddler on the Roof. The script was great! It was just about the same as the original, since this one was the jr. version. It was great though, for a middle school. Just the right education level and yet, still intelligent. They had a full Jewish/Russian wedding. It was awesome!!! They really worked hard on making the play believable. Their hard work really paid off too.

I'm really glad we went to go see it. If you didn't, you really missed out!!

1 comment:

Alisha said...

Yes, Debra did a fantastic job with this production. I was completely amazed, too. That Tevye will go far if he sticks with it.