Thursday, May 7, 2009

Elements of Theatre: Script/Text


Extraordinary Characters--larger than life--kings, queens, etc.
They can be extraordinarly good, bad, or funny. They may also be a regular person with an exceptional personality or achievement.
  • Nixon
  • Creon
  • Antigone
  • Bright Girl
Representative or Quintessential Characters--represents a large group or type of people with real lives, good and bad combined in one person, well rounded characters.
  • Dimitri
  • Sergeant Tracey
  • Jim
  • Guard #1
  • Ismene
Stock Characters--flat, not 3-dimensional.
  • Tessie
  • Jack Brennan
  • Guards #2 and #3
  • The Queen
Characters with a Dominant Trait--like stock characters, but more of a main character in the play, and more unique than stock characters.
  • Officer Charles
  • Swiftly
  • The Nurse
Minor Characters--play a small part in the overall action of the action.
  • Bernie
  • Romey (teenage girl)
  • Stanley (teenage boy)
  • the mom
  • the business lady
  • Bob Zelmic
  • Caroline (girlfriend)
  • Waitress/Stewardess
  • The Messenger
  • Haemon
Major Characters--play revolves around them.
  • David Frost
  • Jim, the Narrator
  • Richard Nixon
Narrator or Chorus--
  • Jim
  • Jack
  • Swiftly
  • The Chorus
Non-human Character--
  • Louis or Louie

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