Thursday, May 21, 2009


For my analysis for this week was acting. I wanted to know, “were the actors believable and convincing. The three elements that I looked at were body gestures, voice, and simply looking the part.
Overall I liked this show. I thought that the actors did a very good job. I am not going to exam all the actors but only a couple, the first was Andrea Frankle (Olga) I seemed to gravitate to her for the way she played her part. The first thing that I looked at in Andrea was her body gestures. She stood tall when she was happy, and when she was feeling tired from the hard day at work she showed me that she was tired, When she came on stage she told us that she was tired but her body movement pronounced it. I know when I come home and I am tired I don’t even have to say it; everyone in the house knows it by my appearance.
As for her voice, in the same scene she did not speak happy or full of energy when she came home from work, rather she talked slower and deeper. The words seemed to stretch giving the sounds of someone that truly just needed to go to bed. I loved how she managed her voice in this manner.
The third element that I looked at was looking the part. I feel that the nurse truly looked her part. For instant, Her face looked old from what looked like she had worked them to the bones for so many years. She was an old maid which meant from the audience point of view she should never be in a hurry. An example of this is when she brought in drinks and was handing them out. She was never in a hurry and when she left the stage it was slow like she had all the time in the world. I loved watching her enter and leave the stage. Again, all of the acting in this play was done well and I’m glad that I had the chance to see it.

Brad Goolsby


ALI said...

I agree about being pulled toward Olga. I really liked her.

Happy-Hour-Girl said...

I agree with you about olge, but I really loved irina. I thought that her acting was very consistent throughout the entire piece, and I felt that she had the inner childish piece of her that sometimes I can connect too. Because such as her, yes I do hate working, but I have to do it to support myself. Olgas acting was really good as well. I give all the actors applauses.

James said...

I did not think Masha was natural. It seems she was trying to angry or upset.

Emily Adele said...

Olga was incredible for sure. her entire being and body language wa so evident in everything she did!