Wednesday, April 1, 2009

How to "See" a Play

Watching a play as an assignment for a college class is not the same as going to the movies on Friday night.

Here are some tips to help you get the most out of the plays we'll see for class this term:
  • Arrive early. Try to be at least 15 minutes early so have have time to peruse the program before the play begins.
  • Take Notes. Bring a paper and pen, and slyly take notes as certain aspects of the production make a strong impression on you. Pay particular attention to the aspect of theatre you have been assigned to write about for your blog post. Also, jot down notes on all elements of the play, and some of those meaningful one-liners so you can later refer to them for your mid-term and/or final paper.
  • Listen Carefully. The words of plays (especially old, classical plays) are very important. In our modern society of tv and movies, we are very used to having the story told to us visually. This is not so much the case with theatre, and not at all the case with classical plays. You really do have to strain those ears and work hard to listen carefully. It's all too easy to let your mind wander. Do your best to stay focused on the words of the play.

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